Social Media & eFundraising
Social media and efundraising is a growing area for nonprofit organizations. It is only going to get larger and more important. There are more social media that anyone would want to see listed here. They run the gamut from online special interest clubs to crowd funding .
Electronic or digital fundraising—efundraising—can make effective use of social media, email, websites, or any aspect of what is becoming called the sharing economy. Money can definitely be raise by even smaller organizations in this arena, but where social media and efunraising excel for even the very smallest of nonprofits is in the process of communicating with a community of donors and prospects.
Nonprofits who are slow to get on the bandwagon of social media and efundraising are failing to take advantage of opportunities that can grow into significant contributed income sources as well as a major pipeline delivering future support. The millennial generation will soon be entering its prime years for those seeking support for nonprofits, and for millennials, giving online may be the avenue of first resort.
Articles about Social Media & eFundraising
Building a Small-Gifts Campaign Landing Page
Website pages are an important part of any fundraising campaign. When the fundraising effort is made online only, the online campaign landing page (OCLP) can be the difference maker. It can speed or impede the giving process. As things stand now all online fundraising...
Single Women Fundraising Sweet Spot
Nonprofits should reach out and develop a base of support among single women, and a social-media strategy should be an important part of that effort. The evidence for both the importance of unmarried women as donors and social media as a key way to interact with them...
It’s a Brave New Digital World
But Will This Strengthen Relationship?
As the 20th century drew to a close, we had come to think of fundraising as a mature, well developed discipline. But then came the emerging technologies of the 21st century. These game changers have already given us communication and transactional media that could...
Use of Social Networking Sites on the Rise
If you are managing a nonprofit or some aspect of a nonprofit’s fundraising and have not yet found yourself faced with the question of what to do about online social network participation, you will be—and more likely sooner rather than later. Year after...
Micro Gifts & Impulse Giving Online
How the Smallest of Gifts Combined with the Impulse to Give Can Yield Real Results Nobel-Peace-Prize-winner Muhammad Yunnus founder of the Grameen Bank Micro-giving is most often thought of as the charitable donation of small increments of money from individual donors...
Fund-Raising with a Net: the Internet
The excitement surrounding Internet fund-raising and its hoped-for windfall of support for non-profits reminds me of when direct mail and telefunding were new to the fund-raising scene. However, Internet fund-raising is causing an even greater stir in the non-profit...