All Articles
Listed below are all the articles published on Some are short, some long, and a few are long enough to have been divided into chapters. This is a large list. To aid your exploration, the articles have been categorized by content in an index at the top left of this page. Raise-Funds contains more than 100 articles and an equally large number of worksheets, forms, and other downloadable resources.
Private Foundations and Board Accountability
I have always believed in placing as little burden as possible on prospective donors whether they be individuals, foundations, corporations, or other grant-making organizations, However, I have in recent years come to recognize the damage that can be done to...
Four Basic Nonprofit Website Disasters to Avoid
So much of fundraising is built upon public perception that it shocks me when an organization ignores the importance of self-presentation on its website. An organization’s website is the first place people go to learn about the organization. If the website doesn’t...
How to Build a Nonprofit Board That Can Raise Money
The biggest fundraising problem facing smaller nonprofit organizations is board makeup. An organization’s board is its top level constituency—its first circle of community. A nonprofit’s community is comprised of concentric circles. Like the rings that ripple outward...
Would You Give Money to a Nonprofit That Isn’t Transparent?
I wouldn’t. At the very least, the basic elements that demand transparency from a nonprofit are: What are its mission, values, and vision. Who are the people who comprise its executive leadership. Who are its board members. What is in the most recent annual...
Do Not Ignore Nonprofit Basics
I recently saw a LinkedIn posting searching for a marketing director for a nonprofit with national and international ambitions headquartered in my geographic area. I usually check out such job postings as possible indicators of the direction nonprofits may be moving...
We Call It Development But What Is It Really
When setting up a new development shop or restructuring an existing one, the last thing you should be worrying about is—well—development! The modern development department succeeds not because an organization has had an epiphany about the need to raise money, but...
What’s the Real Cost of a Fundraising Opportunity?
Every fundraising opportunity has three categories of costs. One is obvious, the second is obscured by the opportunity itself, and the third is investment inherent in the structure of an organization. The first is always considered when deciding whether to pursue an...
Holiday Giving: Make It Bigger and Better Next Year
As we enter the final days of the Holiday giving season, a question occurs to me. It's one all nonprofit development officers who expected this season to yield increased giving over last should ask themselves: Was I prepared? Come January it’s tempting to sit back and...
Make Your Mission Statement a Fundraising Tool
A nonprofit organization’s mission statement should be its principal case for support—the main reason why anybody should ever consider donating to the organization. Every other statement a nonprofit makes about its good works past, present, or future should derive...
Accountability & Job Performance for Nonprofit Fundraisers
How and what development professionals are held accountable for are two of the most important questions nonprofit organizations and their fundraisers face. Accountability is a necessary tool for managing staff and fundraising efforts, but it is only as good as the...
Building a Small-Gifts Campaign Landing Page
Website pages are an important part of any fundraising campaign. When the fundraising effort is made online only, the online campaign landing page (OCLP) can be the difference maker. It can speed or impede the giving process. As things stand now all online fundraising...
Accept Fundraising Feasibility Study Results No Matter How Painful
As I was in the midst of writing this article, my wife entered the room modeling a dress she thought would be perfect for an upcoming special event. She asked my opinion. I looked her up and down, examined the garment, and then suggested that it might be a bit too...
Single Women Fundraising Sweet Spot
Nonprofits should reach out and develop a base of support among single women, and a social-media strategy should be an important part of that effort. The evidence for both the importance of unmarried women as donors and social media as a key way to interact with them...
How Long Should Donors Have to Fulfill Fundraising Pledges?
In my hands is a slick, well done brochure for a capital campaign. The nonprofit organization that has produced it wants to build a new $6.5 million facility. Dates are given for ground breaking, commencement of construction, building completion, and dedication of the...
Should an Organization Have a Formal Gift-Acceptance Policy?
I am often asked—and it is a recurring topic in fund-raising forums—about whether non-profits should have a formal gift-acceptance policy. My questioners aren't just concerned about the rare donation that may come with a tinge of doubt about the donor or a level of...
Supporting Organizations May Be theFundraising Answer If and Only If…
There are members of the boards of trustees of nonprofit organizations who would like to lessen, even eliminate, the fundraising responsibility that comes with their position. Doing so is not wise, but that has not stopped some boards from establishing other bodies...
How Large Should A Development Staff Be?
The core of the question, in any of those settings, is a search for an "ideal" or industry standard. Such an animal doesn't exist. There are just too many variables for an across-the-board approach to organizing a development office, especially in terms of how many...
It’s a Brave New Digital World
But Will This Strengthen Relationship?
As the 20th century drew to a close, we had come to think of fundraising as a mature, well developed discipline. But then came the emerging technologies of the 21st century. These game changers have already given us communication and transactional media that could...
What To Do When Foundatons Have Walled Themselves Off from Your Organization
What To Do When Foundations Have Walled Themselves Off from Your Organization
Reaching out to foundations that have predetermined your organization is outside their area of interest can be challenging, and doing it wrongly can close doors forever. Private foundations are mandated by law to give away a certain percentage of their assets each...
Metrics Can Be a Grant Writer’s Nightmare
Let’s pretend you’re the person in a nonprofit organization charged with seeking grants and that your boss is going to hold you accountable to one or more of the following standards. You must get _____ proposals "out the door" every_____. You must get ____% of the...
Use of Social Networking Sites on the Rise
If you are managing a nonprofit or some aspect of a nonprofit’s fundraising and have not yet found yourself faced with the question of what to do about online social network participation, you will be—and more likely sooner rather than later. Year after...
Can One Non-Profit Donate Money To Another?
I was asked if one 501(c)(3) non-profit can give money to another 501(c)(3) charity. With the usual, and necessary, caveat of, “I am not attorney, nor am I giving legal advice,” I responded that, Yes, when the transaction advances the donor non-profit's charitable...
Managing & Reporting Fund-Raising Campaign Progress
How do you keep a fund-raising campaign on track? By being well organized, constantly monitoring progress, and informing all campaign participants of that progress. The very reason for the pyramidal structure of a campaign committee is to simplify management. In the...
Micro Gifts & Impulse Giving Online
How the Smallest of Gifts Combined with the Impulse to Give Can Yield Real Results Nobel-Peace-Prize-winner Muhammad Yunnus founder of the Grameen Bank Micro-giving is most often thought of as the charitable donation of small increments of money from individual donors...
Membership Campaigns: The “How-To”
You want to introduce a membership campaign, preferably as part of the Annual Fund Campaign. Your objective is an expanded and reliable base of donors who renew their support year after year. Good thinking. Give yourself a pat on the back: An effective membership...
How Can I Become a Non-Profit Fund-Raising Consultant?
There comes a time when some non-profit development professionals begin thinking about saying goodbye to their organizations and hello to the world of fund-raising consulting. They want to know what it takes to be a consultant, and how to find clients. Although the...
Donor List Selling or Exchange with Other Non-Profit Organizations
Many non-profit organizations exchange with other non-profits their mailing lists of people served, i.e. their clients, users, patrons, etc. They do this for marketing purposes, especially in the arts and culture world. And it could be said it is a good thing, in the...
In-Kind Gifts: How to Acknowledge and Recognize Them
When you receive gifts of products, time and services, be aware that your organization can be held in even greater regard by donors of such In-Kind gifts, should you express your gratitude in a meaningful way—in a manner far and above how these contributions are...
Building Donor Loyalty Chapter 8Sample Donor Survey Questionnaire
This is the eighth of eight chapters on building donor loyalty. The Table of Contents below will take you to additional chapters. Table of Contents Chapter 1: A Goal for Every Organization Chapter 2: A Strategy for Cultivating Relationships with Donors Chapter 3: What...
Finance vs. Development?
Mixing Oil and Water and Making it Work in a Non-Profit Organization The receiving and the handling of donations made to non-profit organizations are simple to do, but very often poorly done. When that happens, a vital block is taken out of the foundation we strive to...
Pro Bono Services for Your Organization
Pro Bono: "Especially for the Public Good" (Merriam-Webster) The dictionary definition of pro bono fits well with non-profit organizations, which themselves are also for "the public good," according to the IRS description of how they must be created and operated. And...
Development Director Job Interview Questionnaire
Introduction The interview form presented below is designed to elicit as much pertinent information as possible and as desired or required in the most advanced of interviews. However, for the vast majority of non-profit organizations, it is meant to be a guide to the...
Sales Professional to Development Professional: A Workable Transition
A For-Profit Salesperson's Guide to Getting a Job in Non-Profit Development Introduction The primary and most direct way for sales professionals to obtain positions as development professionals in non-profit organizations is for former sales professionals to promote...
Debt-Elimination Fund-Raising Campaigns
How can your organization raise the money it needs to pay off: Money borrowed from a lending institution? Unpaid invoices from vendors, suppliers, and contractors for the purchase of a capital asset? Money allocated from other of the organization’s resources/assets?...
Solicitation of Vendors
A non-profit organization's intention to solicit its vendors for cash contributions in support of its general operating campaign or a capital building or renovation project has a number of unique twists and turns which must be considered in detail before asking for...
Donor Surveys
What Do You Know About Your Donors and What Do They Know About Your Organization? If we're going to ask people for money, it sure helps if they think highly of both our organization and its mission. Do they see our mission as vital and valid? Are we perceived as being...
Wearing Those Development and Marketing “Hats” at the Same Time: A Bad Fit and a Headache
Wearing Those Development and Marketing "Hats" at the Same Time: A Bad Fit and a Headache Introduction For decades, I have heard about, observed, and have had personal relationships with scores of individuals who attempted to wear the Development and...
Challenge/Matching Gift Programs for Your Fund-Raising Campaigns
Challenge Grants Can Multiply Your Success Challenge grants are indeed challenging to fulfill, and once secured, they are unusually rewarding opportunities for non-profit organizations to greatly energize and enhance their fund-raising campaigns. They can...
Corporate Matching of Employees’ Gifts to Your Organization
A number of resources provide listings of companies having gift programs that match contributions made by their employees to non-profit organizations. According to the grantor's guidelines, such matching funds could be general in nature for support of almost any type...
Greetings from America: How U.S.-Style Fund-Raising Can Work in Your Country
Introduction I have presented fund-raising workshops in many countries outside North America during a professional career of more than 35 years. I have also presented fund-raising workshops to numerous foreign visitors in the United States who were representing...
When Should a Non-Profit Organization Hire its First Development Director?
The short answer is sooner rather than later! If a non-profit organization is beginning to ask whether it needs a professional development director, it probably should have hired one months, even years ago. The biggest mistake non-profits make in hiring their first...
A Campaign Deferred Is a Campaign Defeated
Disasters and crises can occur anywhere, at any time. Hopefully they won't have the impact of mega-disasters such as the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks or of 2005's hurricane Katrina. However, even disasters of considerably less magnitude can impede the...
What’s a Good Director of Development Worth?
Non-profits with resources sufficient to engage professionals in key staff positions seem to find it relatively easy to determine salaries for heads of marketing, finance, and human resources, among others. Development directors however are another story. Why is that?...
Making The Development Office a Fund-Raising “Clearinghouse”
(It Makes for a More Perfect Fund-raising World) Introduction The fund-raising "left hand" not knowing what the "right hand" is doing when it comes to who is asking whom for how much, for which purpose, and when, has always been a common dilemma for non-profit...
When the Development Officer Is Obliged to Raise Her or His Own Salary
Paying For Your Own Keep Too often, especially in smaller non-profit organizations, staff development officers are forced into a deplorable position that belittles them and damages the organization. They are charged with personally raising their own salaries. These...
Develop Your Fund-Raising Plan with Consensus
Introduction Are you working on a fund-raising plan—or planning to? When seeking to construct a plan for a fund-raising campaign, the persons charged by their non-profit organizations with that responsibility often ask for a plan "boilerplate," or a "template,"...
In the Beginning
All fund-raising campaigns must begin with a realization that the organization needs money, usually voiced to the person charged with fund-raising as, "We need to raise $________." The amount varies, but once accepted it becomes the Goal. Whether the effort is to be...
Who Should Raise the Money from within Your Organization?
The board of trustees must be the lifeblood of a non-profit organization's fund-raising and development activities. They are the leaders who approve program initiatives developed from the organization's long-range strategic plan. They authorize the expenditure of...
Major Gifts Campaign Checklist
A successful Major Gifts fund-raising campaign is not magic. It is a straightforward, concise process of executing well-defined components arranged in a step-by-step progression. I know this to be so because I have seen it done over and over again—starting at A and...
Developing a Communications Strategy For the Development Operation
If a nonprofit organization wants to maximize its contributed income it needs a coherent, executable development plan, and that plan must have a viable communications strategy. What we'll be talking about here is not an organization's overall communications strategy -...
Nonprofit Fund-Raising Demystified
When it comes to fund-raising, there are truths and myths. The truths illuminate the path to success. The myths speak with the dark voice of "conventional wisdom" of what can't be done and won't work. Throughout my career I have had to overcome three myths of...
Building Donor Loyalty Chapter 7Tools for Donor Cultivation
This is the seventh of eight chapters on building donor loyalty. The Table of Contents below will take you to additional chapters. Table of Contents Chapter 1: A Goal for Every Organization Chapter 2: A Strategy for Cultivating Relationships with Donors Chapter 3:...
Building Donor Loyalty Chapter 6Stewards of Other People’s Money
This is the sixth of eight chapters on building donor loyalty. The Table of Contents below will take you to additional chapters. Table of Contents Chapter 1: A Goal for Every Organization Chapter 2: A Strategy for Cultivating Relationships with Donors Chapter 3: What...
Building Donor Loyalty Chapter 5Tactics for Cultivating Relationships
This is the fifth of eight chapters on building donor loyalty. The Table of Contents below will take you to additional chapters. Table of Contents Chapter 1: A Goal for Every Organization Chapter 2: A Strategy for Cultivating Relationships with Donors Chapter 3: What...
Building Donor Loyalty Chapter 4The Importance of Being Donor Centric
This is the fourth of eight chapters on building donor loyalty. The Table of Contents below will take you to additional chapters. Table of Contents Chapter 1: A Goal for Every Organization Chapter 2: A Strategy for Cultivating Relationships with Donors Chapter 3: What...
Building Donor Loyalty Chapter 3 What You Need to Know about Your Donors
This is the third of eight chapters on building donor loyalty. The Table of Contents below will take you to additional chapters. Table of Contents Chapter 1: A Goal for Every Organization Chapter 2: A Strategy for Cultivating Relationships with Donors Chapter 3: What...
Building Donor Loyalty Chapter 1A Goal for Every Organization
This is the first of eight chapters on building donor loyalty. The Table of Contents below will take you to additional chapters. Table of Contents Chapter 1: A Goal for Every Organization Chapter 2: A Strategy for Cultivating Relationships with Donors Chapter 3: What...
Building Donor Loyalty Chapter 2A Strategy for Cultivating Relationships
This is the second of eight chapters on building donor loyalty. The Table of Contents below will take you to additional chapters. Table of Contents Chapter 1: A Goal for Every Organization Chapter 2: A Strategy for Cultivating Relationships with Donors Chapter 3: What...
How Board Members Can Become Effective Fund-Raisers
So, you've been asked to join the board of a non-profit organization, or maybe you're already on the board. In either case, here's some advice. Never sit on the board of a non-profit organization unless you are willing to express your leadership by asking friends,...
The Executive Director and Development Director It Can Be a Relationship Made in Heaven or Hell
In a nonprofit organization, no single internal relationship is more important than that between the executive director and development director. One carries the responsibility of leading the organization to the efficient execution of its mission, and the other...
In Search of the Elusive Major Giver
What a Major Giver is How to find them What you need to have in place before conducting a Major Gifts Campaign Your organization needs money. Big money. The kind of money you can't raise by going out and asking for donations of $10, $20, $100, or perhaps even $1,000....
Consulting Agreement for an Annual Fund Campaign
The following example of an annual fund development agreement between a non-profit organization and a fund-raising consultant is suggested as a guideline for: Organizations having little or no experience in drafting such documents. Experienced development...
The Fallacy of Financial Ratios: Why Outcome Evaluation Is the Better Gauge of Grant Worthiness
Talk of developing a system to evaluate the sustainability of non-profit organizations has been on the rise. Centered around measuring outcomes in terms of percentages or ratios, the goal of such a system appears to be twofold: To create a filter that will allow...
Campaign Feasibility Studies: Taking the Time to Find Out whether the Time Is Right
A campaign feasibility study is a tool a non-profit uses to determine whether it should go ahead with a capital or endowment fund-raising campaign. It is essential for an organization to assess the likelihood of success for a campaign before entering into it. A...
Positioning Grant Writers For Success
Unrealistic Expectations, Pay Practices That Grantors Often See As Tainting The Funding Process, And Poor Planning And Follow Through, Can Doom The Best To Failure Some of the most heated discussion in the nonprofit world centers on grant writing. Why? Because so much...
Fund-Raising with a Net: the Internet
The excitement surrounding Internet fund-raising and its hoped-for windfall of support for non-profits reminds me of when direct mail and telefunding were new to the fund-raising scene. However, Internet fund-raising is causing an even greater stir in the non-profit...
Your Organization’s Next Special Event: “Fund-Raiser” Or “Friend-Raiser?”
Should a special event be focused on making friends for an organization or bringing in money? On the one hand, every organization needs friends to help promote its mission and to be there for future fund-raising needs. But on the other, there are bills to be paid...
Don’t Make Your Organization’s Statement of Purpose A”Mission Impossible”
We read in all of the right publications and we are told by the experts that a non-profit organization's mission statement should be contained on the back of a business card, declared in as few words as possible on the organization's letterhead, etc.—and even, as a...
Designing a Communications Plan to Enhance Your Fund-Raising Campaign
Don't Confuse a "Communications Plan" with a "Marketing Plan" A well-conceived communications plan will be essential to the success of your campaign, especially in the case of a broad-based effort that is directed to the general public. As components of this plan, the...
Cultivate a “Grass-Roots” Fund-Raising Campaign for Your Organization
Many non-profit organizations serve individuals who pay very little or who are unable to pay anything in the way of fees for the services they receive. They generally are in no position to give even the smallest donation to their organizations' annual fund. In all...
Should Your Organization Sell Products & Services to Raise Money?
I am made increasingly aware of the conflict non-profit organizations experience when faced with choosing between: Raising the money they need using a traditional philanthropic process. Making a profit from selling and endorsing commercial products and services. The...
Annual Campaigns: Once a Year Every Year
An annual campaign is best described as a campaign conducted each and every year for the purpose of raising money to assist in paying a non-profit organization's regular, ongoing expenses. The money it raises is most commonly used to offset an operational deficit, but...
Know Your Organization
You start the process of becoming a fund-raiser for an organization when you first become involved with the organization. That's when you begin to acquire knowledge about an organization, and acquisition of knowledge is the first step in preparing to raise money. To...
Capital Campaigns: Building for Now
A capital campaign raises money that will be spent to acquire or improve a physical asset. The most common use of a capital campaign is for the purchase, construction, or renovation of a building (commonly referred to as "bricks and mortar"). However, an organization...
How Much Endowment Is “Right” for Our Organizaton
Is there a "standard" or "industry" percentage ratio of our endowment funds—funds working to provide annual income—which can relate that corpus/principal amount to key financial statements such as the annual expense budget, operating deficit, annual fund campaign...
Making Your Endowment Funds Work for Your Organization
Whether you already have some form or endowment or are about to embark on your first endowment campaign (see the article Endowment Funds Go on Forever But an Endowment Campaign Should Not ) you need to be ready, willing, and able to steward your endowment funds and...
Setting an Endowment Campaign Goal
How do we begin to set a goal? You first set a "target" goal, based on what you must accept as very loose factors; those being the changing rates of interest (meaning changing amounts of future income), the sliding scale of actual endowment funds at work as the...
Endowment Funds Go on Forever But an Endowment Campaign Should Not
There comes a time in an endowment campaign when the initial urgency of the need inherent in the campaign's case for support begins to fade. The excitement of the kickoff, anticipation of success as the personal solicitations begin, the first promising results—can go...
How to Recruit Your Volunteer Fund-Raising Team
Volunteers are the lifeblood of a development operation, and trustees are the most important volunteers of all. The trustees approve an organization's budget and they must accept personal responsibility for raising called-for contributed income. They are expected to...
Campaign Solicitation Kits
"For Want Of A Kit A Campaign Was Lost?" A little neglect may breed mischief: "For want of a nail, the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe, the horse was lost; for want of a horse, the rider was lost; for want of a rider, the battle was lost." B. Franklin: Poor...
Sponsorships and Underwriting Campaigns: Would You Please Fund Our…?
Sponsorships and underwriting are different labels for basically the same thing: funding donated for the support of a project, program, event, initiative, activity, or even a salary. In general, foundations are identified as underwriters and corporations as sponsors....
A Development Director Needs More Than “a Smile and a Shoeshine,” But It’s a Good Start
This is the era of high-tech delivery of information in an instant. The Internet is accessible from any telephone line, and lap-top computers let us take the facts and figures—all the facts and figures—to wherever they're needed. Development professionals must master...
Campaign Assessment and Review: What Was Accomplished and What Was Learned
It's over. The campaign is finished. The thank-you's have been said and the money counted. However, before closing the book on a campaign for good, you should take one last look at it. The days immediately following a campaign are the time to analyze what went wrong...
To Consult Or Not to Consult: That Is the Question
To consult, or not to consult—that is the question. Or at least it would be if Hamlet were to ask it. Hamlet's "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" make me think of fund-raising goals too great and resources to meet them too few. His "sea of troubles" sounds like...
Fitting Annual, Endowment, Capital, Sponsorship & Underwriting Campaigns into Your Organization’s Plans and then Making Them “Sing”
Remember those great old movies with Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland? The ones in which the "kids" had a money-raising dilemma that perplexed and perplexed them. All of a sudden Mickey would light up with youthful exuberance and optimism. He'd turn to Judy, and say, "I...
Asking For The Money: “If You Don’t Ask You Don’t Get”
Generally, the first step in asking prospects to make a donation is to send them a letter. This is true no matter the type of campaign or potential size of gift. In the small-gifts division of an annual campaign the letter may be the only step, although I would...
Tapping the Philanthropic Well
Principal Fund-Raising Myth It's common knowledge that corporations and foundations give most of the money to non-profit organizations Principal Fund-Raising Truth You go where money you think you can get is to be found in the greatest quantities and most of the time...
12 Things You Should Know About Setting A Capital Campaign Goal
A capital campaign raises money that will be spent to acquire or improve a physical asset. The most common use of a capital campaign is for the purchase, construction, or renovation of a building (commonly referred to as "bricks and mortar"). However, an organization...
The Argument Against Paying Development Professionals Based on Amount of Funds Raised
Few topics generate more heated discussion in non-profit organizations than whether development professionals (staff or consultants) should be paid a percentage of the money raised, receive commission-based compensation, or be paid a performance bonus. Perhaps because...
Annual Fund Giving & Getting Guidelines for Trustees
All of your organization's fund-raising campaigns must have the leadership and the financial support of your Board of Trustees. The most important of those development efforts should be the raising of funds necessary to maintain and enhance your organization's...
Beginning a Career in Non-Profit Fund-Raising
"How Do I Get Started In Fund-Raising?" This question has been posed to me countless times in my nearly thirty-year career as a development professional. And, it is a query I now observe scores of times via the various internet non-profit-related News Groups. If this...
So, You Were Asked to Volunteer and Work on a Fund-Raising Campaign!
As a businessperson, you are among the most sought-after volunteers for support of non-profit organizations. Officials of non-profits want you to take leadership positions with them because: They know that you are a natural leader and a strong advocate for charitable...
Rating and Evaluating Prospects: Whom Do You Ask For How Much?
No one would argue the fact that every fund-raising campaign needs a goal and that everyone connected with the campaign, including prospective donors, needs to be aware of that goal. Then why do people so often fight the setting of a goal for each prospective donor...
Check Out Your Organization’s Fund-Raising Readiness and Learn the Secret Of Fund-Raising Success
For many people, fund-raising is the stuff of myth and magic---a series of tasks rivaling the labors of Hercules and demanding the powers of a Merlin. Myth and magic, because they offer the balm of simple acceptance in place of the pain of comprehension, can be very...
Nine basic truths of fund-raising
The nine basic truths of fund-raising listed below are taken from the introduction to my book It's a Great Day to Fund-Raise, and they are the foundation of my successful career as a development officer for and consultant to nonprofit organizations. Organizations are...
The Name Is the Game: Memberships and Named Gift Opportunities
In the nonprofit world, when it comes to "memberships," we seem to be of two minds. On the one hand are memberships that convey benefits in exchange for a fee, and on the other, those that recognize donors for gifts made. Fee-Based Memberships In fee-based...
Asking for the Money Is the Job of the Leadership and Friends of a Non-Profit Organization
Never Hire Someone To Do What Is Their Responsibility Fund-Raising Consultants Can Be A Godsend. They Can Also Be An Ethical, Financial And Donor Relations Disaster For organizations with an inexperienced, small, or nonexistent development staff, consultants can do...